Wednesday 3 April 2013


yeahhh.. i did it baby... the insertion of branula... you know branula? ok let me show you this thing.

 these are branula, sbb banyak jenis, so we pronounce it as "branulas" - by Mr.Google

Alright, dah taw kan branula tu berbentuk mcm mana. Let me explain a little bit about this thing. It use to set the line for intravenous infusion, to get blood spesimen and to tranfuse medication through it. There a needle inside, but once we inject it to the blood vessel, we will take out the needle and left the tube that cover the needle. So, if the branula "terlipat @ terkepak" it will harm nothing la.. sbb ada tiub ja. jarumnya dah dibuang. Got it?

The thing that you need for this procedure :
1) Choose a suitable branula that you want to insert.
2) Torniquet
3) Dry swab
4) Alcohol swab
5) Plaster to anchor
6) Drip if needed.

Alright, let see the the way it be.

on the way to insert the branula.

Okay, First : Find the vein, a clear vein.
Second : put the torniquet.
Third : Take an alcohol swab and swab.
Forth : you need to hold the branula as long as you feel comfort to hold it, x kisah la mcm mna nak pegang.
Fifth : then, CUCUK ja laaa. Setle !

this is how it will be after insertion.

Peri berjaya buat benda ne. only ONCE. haha. but i'm proud of it. siap ambik blood specimen lagi ha.
boleh plak depan patient peri jerit "YEY" . haha. I feel proud for myself. yeahhhh.. :D

love <3 peri

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