Sunday 8 July 2012



weeeehhhh.... ada sapa2 yang nak ajaq peri shuffle x??? pless3!! peri nak blajaq shuffle... 
sbb apa peri nak learn shuffle???
because :

  • bnyak lagu yg ber'rentakkan shuffle sekarang. every minutes peri listen to that song, peri feels like wanna dance, yes! peri mean shuffle lah.
  • shuffle menyihatkan badan.. yes! peri did not interested dgn areobik. serius not interested, many of peri's friend invited peri for areobik.. herhhhh, no way, that not my soul beb.. shuffle seem macho and style instead can make your health being healthy as the way you move it. can described it as an exercise too.
  • terkenal kot.. yes! shuffle dah terkenal serata dunia.. and peri want to be a person who people can know me, among the group that call a "shuffelers" . peri wanna be one of them.
  • yang penting, it is very stylish ! wawavooom gitu... peri suka org yang pandai dance.. *even Mohd Izwan, well its ok lah, tetap syg ^^..

Just nak state kat sini yang peri need a teacher to teach me shuffle.. really need it...nak blajo weh, nak blajo...
that's it ! full stop...

love <3 peri 

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